School Fees

School Fees 2024

Whilst school fees are payable in advance, the school offers the following payment structure to assist parents: 

  1. Payment made in full, strictly on or before 31 January 2024: 10% discount, reducing the annual compulsory fees to R24 840.00 per learner. 
  2. Payment made in full, strictly on or before 29 February 2024: 5% discount, reducing the annual compulsory fees to R26 220.00 per learner. 
  3. 10 x equal monthly payments from February to November – R2 760.00 per learner 

The budget for 2024 was presented to and approved by the parents/guardians on 25 October 2023 at the SGB Annual General Meeting. A resolution was adopted that the annual compulsory school fees for 2024 have been set at R27 600.00 per learner. 

Table View High School is a fee-paying school and charges compulsory school fees as permitted by the South African Schools Act (SASA) No. 84 of 1996. In terms of this act, parents/guardians are liable to pay these compulsory school fees. In terms of Section 40 & 41 of the Act, the School Governing Body may enforce payment of school fees and may thereby obtain such fees through legal action. 

In the event of non-payment, action will be taken against both parents regardless of any maintenance agreements, which may exist between the parties. In terms of the school’s terms and conditions of enrolment the parent/guardian will be liable for all legal costs and collection fees. In terms of Family Law, parents are jointly and severally liable for payments of learner’s fees. School fees are exempt from the National Credit Act as this is a statutory debt. This debt may not be referred to a debt counsellor or Administrator for administration. Payment options must be arranged with the school. 

Table View High School is a fee-paying school. As parents, you have all taken a conscious decision to enrol your children at a fee-paying school, rather than opt for a non-fee-paying school. Having chosen a fee-paying school, this places an obligation on you as parents to pay school fees.   

School Fee statements

Statements are emailed monthly. If your account is paid up to date you will not receive a statement unless you request one. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to inform the school of any change in address, contact numbers or email addresses.  

The finance policy is available on request from the bursar at


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