
Our Curriculum

Table View High School offers a wide choice of subjects that enables learners to go to either University or various other Tertiary Institutions. The grade 8 learners continue with the senior phase of the General Education and Training (GET), which they start at Primary school. At the end of their grade 9 year they sit for their GETC (General Education and Training Certificate). This is the end of compulsory schooling and they may exit the system at this stage.


Subject Choice

Academic Awards 2024

Our top academic learners are lauded at two prestigious function each year. Early in the year we hold one for our grade 8 – 11 achievers from the previous year and at the end of the year we laud our grade 12 achievers.  Evening functions are arranged and the parents of the learners who have achieved are invited to attend.

An Academic Achievement Award is awarded to any learner (grade 8-12) who consistently produces work of a high standard.  A medallion is awarded to a learner who achieves an
A-aggregate for the first time at this school.  A bar is awarded to a learner who fulfils the already mentioned requirements for the second, third or more times.  Academic Honours can be achieved when the requirements for the above are fulfilled for the 4th or 5th time.

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